
If your looking to find out which websites dominate the big WWW, there's no better place to look than It might sound familiar to those who own an Alexa, created by Amazon. They started off as an independently owned company until they were bought out by Amazon in 1996.  The company helps business increase their page rankings and profits through tactics such as SEO.

Here are the top 10 websites listed on

1.) Google

Should  come as no surprise as the internet giant's presence on the web is ominficent. It is the number 1 search engine used by the world. As mentioned in the last post, they dominate the email client space. They too are masters in data collection and targeted advertising.

2. Youtube - Web2.0

Owned by Google, the original vlogging platform is still the popular choice of uploading cute animals playing instruments, among other things of course. You can find videos on a wide range of topics. Youtube can be an excellent learning resource as you can find a tutorial on how to do just about anything.

3. Facebook - Web2.0

The other tech giant. The epitome of what modern day social media is. Started off as a digital meeting place for you to add your real life social network and share things you have in common. But even before that, it resembled something similar to what Hot or Not was. But today, it is almost part of life.
Apparently people love to post things about their daily lives and others just eat it up. Users can customize certain things such as profile and background pics, choose a certain level of privacy from other users, and have somewhat of a control of what they see on their wall feed. Like most websites, Facebook makes a huge profit from it's advertising.

4. Baidu

They are the Google of China. Just like Google, they are the top dog when it comes to search engines but in their region of the world.

5. Wikipedia - Web2.0

A user contributed information site. Type in the subject followed by Wikipedia and surely you will be presented some information. It's popular for it's ability to easily allow anyone to update it's pages.

6. Reddit - Web2.0

Personally, I love using reddit as a go to place to find answers to life's questions. For instance, I looked up conversations about people changing their careers late and deciding to become software engineers. I found a ton of useful information. That being said it's an excellent message board that covers a wide variety of subjects only limited to the experiences of it's users.

7. Yahoo - Web2.0

One of the original tech giants that survived the dot com crash. Yahoo still serves as a popular search engine and still hosts Yahoo email. It's front page serves as a news outlet. I actually like going straight to the comment sections as they provide much needed entertainment. On the front you will also find links to other various Yahoo services.


Google in India.  Great for the reasons it's great here in the States. Google is just great anywhere. Unless, it's been banned by an authoritative government of course.

9. QQ - Web2.0

QQ is mainly an instant messenger web app.  Comparable to what Facebook is doing with Facebook Messenger.  QQ is popular in China.

10. Taobao - Web2.0

It is the Chinese equivalent to Amazon. They are a huge online shopping outlet that gives the user a pleasing and easy transaction online.


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