If your looking to find out which websites dominate the big WWW, there's no better place to look than It might sound familiar to those who own an Alexa, created by Amazon. They started off as an independently owned company until they were bought out by Amazon in 1996. The company helps business increase their page rankings and profits through tactics such as SEO. Here are the top 10 websites listed on 1.) Google Should come as no surprise as the internet giant's presence on the web is ominficent. It is the number 1 search engine used by the world. As mentioned in the last post, they dominate the email client space. They too are masters in data collection and targeted advertising. 2. Youtube - Web2.0 Owned by Google, the original vlogging platform is still the popular choice of uploading cute animals playing instruments, among other things of course. You can find videos on a wide range of topics. Youtube can be an excellent learning resou...