The Workstation: Computer
Okay, so, your sitting down in class and your mind begins to travel to another dimension. Your professors voice begins to fade and before you know it your in day dream land. In it, you are a hotshot superstar software developer guy/gal with the latest most fantastic idea for an app. Suddenly, you snap out of it as your professor begins to wrap things up and you just jolt out the door. You get home and recollect on your amazing idea. You rush to your room. Then you realize...oh. I need certain things to help materialize amazing ideas. Just what exactly do you need to start smashing away on that keyboard to software unicorn stardom? Lets talk about your workstation set up. Let's get on with my first post series: The Workstation. While I will just generally list certain items, I will be elaborating on a few of them in later posts. Hopefully. Also, there would be a bit of a bias in the things I list due to the fact that these are things I have as a personal preference....